Friday, July 24, 2015

Trifectas and Doubling Down

I am sososo upset at my inability to post pics the way I want to on this blog, it has actually kept me from blogging this week. Ugh...gotta snap out of it.  It will fix itself...these things always do.  In the meantime, I finally just gave up and posted my Independence Day post sans the awesome pics I wanted to show off.

*insert SERIOUS boo face here*

So...since I have not been posting, have I been slacking off?  One might wonder...but one would be incorrect if they assumed.  I've actually upped the ante significantly.

Last weekend, I started out with a 3 mile run on Sunday morning, which ended in a nice, long walk....another significant bit of mileage.  Then a nice long hike with Keith and the boys that afternoon.  All three in one day....that's awesomeness, right there, folks.

All this week, I've made it my goal to put SOMETHING on the boards every day for a calorie burn, even if it's just a mile walk.  So far this week, I'm 5 for 5...every non-run day, I've been able to log in at least 3 miles, and walked a bit extra on my run days too, just for cool-down purposes.  I feel great, and it's definitely helped in the weight loss arena, of this morning, I'm down another two pounds to 218.2, bringing my total loss to 62.8 pounds.  I'll take that any day!

It feels really, really nice to be back in the teens again.  For so long, it didn't feel like I could ever have any hope of getting there again...but there is always hope.  The key is to be consistent in whatever you do.

It is consistency that got me to 281 pounds.

It is consistency that is getting me to my goal.

And that's the simple, but elegant truth about it.  Whatever you do consistently is what you will wind up with in the long run. That goes the same with anything in our lives....if we consistently whine and moan and wallow in our misery, we will be consistently unhappy.  BUT if we consistently try to stay positive and keep a sunny outlook, despite what's happening around us, we will consistently find ourselves truly happy with our lives.

A lesson I certainly am working hard at taking to heart in every aspect of mine.

In the meantime, my goals for this coming week:

  • Continue to log some kind of activity every single day, even (or especially) on non-run days.
  • Finally start my resistance training to strengthen my core (along with everything else!!).
  • BLOG.
Wish me luck....and make it an awesome weekend!

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