The air is pretty damned sweet up here.
- Last year, I lost a grand total of 80 pounds, two thirds of the total amount I need to lose!
- Last year, I logged a grand total of 581.88 miles....pretty good, considering I didn't start running at all until April.
- Last year, I ran four 5Ks, each one faster than the one before.
- Last year, I finally felt like a normal-sized person.
- Last year, I finally quit thinking that if I ate a bite of something not in my plan, I was automatically being judged by everyone.
- Last year, I realized that I can do this.....I can be healthy, I can run fast and far, I can be responsible, I can love myself enough.
It's not time to rest on my laurels, though...I've still got plenty of work to do this year, starting with re-losing the ten pounds I managed to put back on over the holidays. Wow...note to self on how quickly those pounds can creep back on if you're not careful. Just more confirmation that I will probably always need to track my calories on a daily's the only way to be confident of my ability to maintain.
My eating is not the only thing that suffered the past few weeks, though...with the escalated payroll schedules and the lack of personnel to handle it, the stress has been unreal at work, and so has the overtime. Consequently, my running suffered tremendously, as well as my activity in general. It was either that or keel over dead from lack of sleep, so I don't feel too badly about it....I was in Survival Mode. It happens. That's life, and I'm over it now.'s time to get back on track with that, as well. So in keeping with that, I've started back at the gym, running slow intervals on the treadmill, mainly just to get the blood back pumping again. It's amazing what three weeks off can do to derail you physically....and I'm sure all the rich food didn't help, either.
While I was on vacation last week, enjoying the good friends, good food, and good R&R that accompany the holidays, I had a lot of time to really think about the goals I want to set for myself this year...not just for THE new year (meaning 2016), but for MY new second year of being fit. And I think the biggest goal I have for myself, surprisingly, is not to 'hit my goal weight', which I expect to do in any case, but to just continue doing the same thing I did all year...every single day. Along the way, though, I do have a few smaller goals I'd like to accomplish by the end of the year:
- It's the Year of the 10K!! I'm really looking forward to getting a few under my belt (along with a few 5Ks, and maybe even an 8K), starting with the Chasing Snakes 10K in March, which I've already signed up for. Ready or I come!
- Log that mileage, baby!! I'm shooting for 1000 miles this year, and with an entire year of running going under my belt, there's no reason why I shouldn't be able to hit that goal. It will be a challenge, though, and no mistake.
- Learn the meaning of the word 'moderation'. If I'm going to have long-range success, this is a must-have in my tool belt. I want to be able to indulge on occasion (especially during the holidays) without feeling like poo at the end of the day...mentally OR physically...and without having to recover the same weight-loss ground over and over.
What about you? What goals did you make/accomplish last year? Brag on yourself, and tell me about your new goals for the coming year!
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