Last week, we had the 'Four Days of Christmas at work, which basically means that we all divide up into teams and one team is responsible for making the tables in the break room groan each day. On the fifth day, we all bring something for a big potluck luncheon and a Dirty Santa exchange before everyone heads off their separate ways for the holidays. When I started my journey back on January 5th, I had just finished going through this process, and waited purposefully until it was over before I began, knowing any attempt to start beforehand would have ended in abject failure. I'm glad I made that decision...I was much more successful because I didn't start this journey under a blanket of guilt at having fallen off the wagon before even getting started (for the millionth time).
Still...I knew all year that this week was approaching, and that I would have to decide how to deal with it. The nice part was that I had a full year of walking the walk to prepare for it.
That work is definitely not done, though. I still have a lot to do, both physically, and mentally. I've learned a lot about myself through the indulgences I've allowed myself this past week or two...namely, that my body hates me when I feed it crap, or too much. It hates me more when I work such crazy, late, stress-laden hours that I can't burn off the crazy with a run (the last several of which I have missed), or even a walk. And it is most definitely ready to resume it's regularly-scheduled programming next week. As a matter of fact, I'm actually eagerly anticipating it! What a difference a year makes, eh?
Tomorrow, we'll be celebrating Christmas quietly, with neighbors. And sometime this weekend, we're expecting friends from NC to come visit for a few days...looking forward to that! I'm off all next week, so it will be nice to relax and recoup, and kind of do a mental and physical 'reset' for the year ahead, and give some serious thought to my goals.
And sometime in the next two days, I have to squeeze in a virtual Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K for my Lovely Ladies group! Which is really hysterical, considering that we stripped all the blankets off the bed and slept with all the windows open last night. Running with this baby on will give a whole new meaning to the term 'gettin' mah sweat on'.....but my Christmas celebrations will not be complete without this run.
From my house to yours....Merry Christmas!! Here's hoping Santa brings you everything your heart desires this year!
Merry Christmas! So sorry to hear about your friend. ((HUGS))