Yeah, that was lame. In my own defense, though...this week has been brutal in terms of after-hours free-time, and what little I've had I've been hard-pressed to get my workouts in. All things considered, they are more important right now, so if something has to get sacrificed, it will, by necessity, be my blogging.
That said, I've had a pretty good week so far, all craziness aside. Monday, I was supposed to run, but it was raining really bad when I got off work, so I didn't. I really hate running in the rain; everything sticks to you, and I wind up getting major chafing. Besides that, when I get damp, I get chilled...right down to the bone. And when that happens, my whole body aches. I'd love to know how others handle this....anyone got any good tips for running in the rain?
Anyway, so I didn't run on Monday, but I did on Tuesday, logging in my best pace so far (13.39) as I wrapped up week 4 of the C25K plan. Doesn't sound very fast,but believe me...that's rabbit racing for this ole' turtle! I'm really looking forward to seeing where I will be pace-wise at the end of this course.
Wednesday, which, by the way, was National Running Day, I did NOT run, since I had to run on Tuesday. This really bummed me out, because it would have been really cool to run on National Running Day, but that's what I get for being such a wimp on Monday, I guess. Next year will be better.
Just because I didn't run yesterday, though, does not mean I slacked off. Au contraire....I actually, FINALLY began my resistance training last night! Very stoked about that, since I'm already starting to see saggy bits forming everywhere, even moreso than before. And with only six pounds gone so far, I can only imagine what it will look like before it's all over. The thing skin is so much thinner than it was even five years ago, and the elasticity seems to be mostly gone, which means that anything that is too big will probably need tucking. *sigh* I will deal with it when the time comes. In the meantime, I will be content with firming and strengthening the muscle beneath it as well as I can, and concentrate on consistancy with my workouts. I can be pleased that I took my first step this week, in line with the goal I set for myself this week...and will complete that workout tomorrow night.
Today is run day, so I will be hitting the track again this afternoon after work. I've finally gotten to the point of looking forward to it again, so it will be nice to hit the rhythm and let the 'stuff' go. Very therapeutic.
Overall, I will say that I'm continuing to be pleased with my progress. My choices, while not always stellar, are still pretty good, for the most part. That said, I have two concerns of note:
1. The cake in the breakroom. I really hate it when people bring stuff in: cake, donuts, casseroles, breakfast biscuits...all bought or home made for the office to share. I always feel like an outcast if I don't have any (because I stick out like a sore thumb if I'm the only one refusing a piece), and drawing attention to myself, and feel like a complete failure (or at least sickeningly guilty) if I DO indulge. The worst is birthdays, when everyone gathers around a cake someone has made or bought.
This week, we had two 'incidents', with a third being threatened tomorrow. Tuesday was birthday cake, yesterday was a different homemade cake, and tomorrow, I'm told will be homemade brownies. It's not like this every week; in fact, we go weeks at a time with nothing....but there are some incredible cooks in this department, and I am having a really hard time saying 'no'. In fact, so far this week, I haven't. Said no, I mean.
I am alleviating my guilt at these decisions by keeping track of my calories and not going over my allotted count....but I still know that cake in any form is not a smart choice....not for my head, and certainly not for my body. I really need to work on my ability to say 'no' to these temptations, and will do my best to not cave when or if I am presented with a plate of chocolaty goodness tomorrow.

Both of these concerns are important. Both need immediate attention. I am going to do my best in what is left of this week to stay on top of them, because I want this to work, and my health is important enough to make it a priority.
And in the meantime....I will do my best to post again on Saturday. :)
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