Sunday, December 30, 2012

Aaaand....we're OFF!

Well, I must say today went SO much better than yesterday!  I'm very encouraged by it.  Last night, despite my best efforts, I just couldn't get in that last meal of the day.  I had gotten up too early, and consequently, my whole day was off.  Combine that with the fact that my little camper had entirely too much stuff piled everywhere (the aftermath of Christmas), and too many men in my way, and was feeling thoroughly overwhelmed.  I knew that the only way I was gonna make any headway like I WANTED to was to get that under control, QUICK. 

So, after no fifth meal and no workout yesterday, I was a bit dejected when I went to bed.

What a difference a day makes!  Keith and I both got up early, tackled the camper and gave it a thorough spring cleaning, which it desperately needed, and I was able to get all my meals AND my day 1 workout in.  On top of that, I cooked a wonderful meal for the guys, and did most of my cooking for myself for the week.  All my food is logged, all but one of my waters is down.  All that's left is a bit of kitchen cleanup, and packing my food for tomorrow, and I'll be home free for the a clean, organized environment.  I feel very empowered right now, and that's a very good feeling.  I know that tomorrow will go smoothly, as I will be prepared to meet the day (at, and also prepared to walk at the mall before heading home tomorrow night.  I feel like I can breathe....and I'm very, very happy about having such a good start. 

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