Monday, March 9, 2015

Another decade...sort of.

What a gorgeous weekend!  I got so much done, both inside and outside, and enjoyed the HECK out of some Spring-like weather, which both body and soul sorely needed after the pounding we've taken this Winter.  My eating was off...not that I ate too much, but that I didn't eat nearly enough.  Being super busy tends to make me do that. I don't like taking time out to stop and eat.

Still...I jumped on the scale Saturday morning, and realized that all the little things I have been doing off-plan have caused my metabolism to pretty much grind to a halt.  I only registered a half pound loss. Enough to be able to say I've lost 30 lbs, but not enough to say that I've hit a new decade on the scale. Still...all forward motion counts, right?

Right.  But that doesn't mean that we have to be satisfied with less than what we want.

Which means that I will be doubling my efforts to stay strictly on plan this week, make sure I drink all my water every day, and get in whatever exercise I can manage.  The last will be the hardest, since I'm scheduled to work crazy overtime this week, but if I can just get my eating back on track, it will help tremendously!  Well...that, and nicer weather...

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