Friday, March 20, 2015


Today, being Friday, was my weekly weigh-in.  Honestly, considering how I've been feeling all week, I really didn't expect to see much of a drop at all in the numbers. I told Keith if I saw half a pound, I'd consider it a major victory, and he pointed out that I'd had quite a long losing streak already, so if I didn't lose anything, this would be the first week I hadn't done so.

It's amazing, having such a supportive hubby. I am a lucky woman.

However, despite my worries, I did manage to drop a pound and a half.  Considering the week I've had, I'm ecstatic.  And no, that was not sarcasm.

I know that in order to step up my game, I'm going to have to start back with my workouts, and I don't just mean to lose more at my weigh-ins.  With all this loss comes a lot of loose skin, and the more I lose, the more I can see what a lack of muscle tone I have.  That needs to be corrected NOW, if I'm really going to see long-term results and look as good as I feel. So, I've just simply got to find a way to work IN my workOUTS to my hectic daily schedule.

When I'm not working overtime, it's pretty simple; I just go walk or run after work, before I go home.  That's my favorite time to go, because it helps me work out the stress from my day, and leaves me relaxed and ready to enjoy my evening.  I sleep better and wake up feeling rested and ready for the day ahead.  But right now, my overtime is insane, I'm chronically tired as a result, and it's not looking like it's going to improve any time soon.  My current day:

   Time                                                        Activity
4:15am Wake up, make coffee, shower, dress, gather things for the day.
5:45am Leave for work
6:45am Arrive at work
3:30pm End of regular day, start of overtime
6:30pm Leave work
7:30-8:00pm Arrive home (time depends on whether I have to run errands on the way)
9:00pm Bedtime

As you can see, there is very little time to spare, once I actually get home. If I'm lucky and don't have to stop anywhere, I may have an hour and a half of 'free' time before I hit the hay, but in that time, I'm eating dinner, washing dishes, and taking care of those thousands of little things one has to do to simply maintain.  Where in the world can I work in a workout??  This is really, really bothering me right now.

I know that I have to let those things that are out of my control go, but it's very hard. My best plan at the moment is to at LEAST do my day one and two workouts on the weekends.  If nothing else, I can get that done, but it will not help with my plan to get back on the track in April, so I need to figure something out for that.  I'm hoping that by then, I will be leaving work at 5:30 instead of 6:30 every night...that will buy me the extra hour I need for the track in the evenings on the way home.

*sigh*  They say we make time for the things we think are the most important to us.  And although I tend to agree with this in general terms, it is not always possible. In the meantime, all I can do is to work what I can control to the best of my ability, and that is exactly what I'm going to do.

So...beginning this weekend, I will do my best to get some much-needed rest, but I will also try to get my workouts in.  I will be working until 6:30pm for the next two weeks, so it may be hard, if not impossible to walk during the week.... but after that, I'm going to get my track time back.  And God willing, I'm going to use it.

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