Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rise and Shine

Boy, did I ever need to hear this today! I've seen it before, but it certainly bears repeating.  I need to listen to this every day at least once...and really let it sink in my thick skull.

I had a long talk with Keith last night, and told him about my scheduling I felt myself slipping back into the bad habit I have of putting myself and my needs on the back burner for the Greater Good.  I told him that trying to do everything (overtime, running, errands, etc) on just a couple of days a week in order to free up more time to spend at home sounded like a great plan, but in reality, it wasn't doing anything but stressing me out, exhausting me, and causing me massive amounts of highly-destructive guilt when I let the only thing I could (my running) slide. Bless the man, he totally agreed with me and could see me struggling with it. Just knowing he is ok with however I choose to play the week has alleviated so much stress off of me, it's unbelievable.  I feel like I can breathe now!

Last night, I went for a run on station with my BRB, Sheila.  We agreed that since we haven't actually RAN ran in about a week and a half, that last night was really more about getting back in the saddle than it was trying to break world speed records, so we just took our time and enjoyed the run.  It was a really slow pace, mainly because we walked a lot more than we ran...but considering how hard I've been struggling for the last few weeks, I was just ecstatic at the fact that I logged miles.

Today, I feel like a new woman.  My eating has been great, my head is clear, my vision is back, and I'm looking forward to a nice walk at lunch.  Keith and I have plans to have dinner with a dear friend who's in town this week, and I want to be able to eat my dinner guilt-free.  Thanks to that heart-to-heart last night, I really feel like I'll be able to, for the first time in weeks.

What about you? Have you ever struggled with too much on your plate (figuratively)? Are you guilty of putting your needs last?  What was your solution, if you've found one?

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