Monday, November 16, 2015


It's been over a week since I've posted, but that is mainly because not much has happened that is post-worthy. Certainly no runs...but there is a reason for that. trip to Atlanta went well. It was a quick overnighter, but it passed without incident.  The best kind, in my book, where traveling is concerned.  The highlight of the weekend was definitely this:
The upside to an overnight trip to the ATL: pajama parties and midnight margaritas with these hooligans.

I got to spend the night with my mom (who I don't get to see nearly often enough), and my daughter Jessica came by to spend some time with us.  Bottom line: After working all day and driving all night, I didn't get to bed until almost 1:30am.  Totally worth it.

I had planned on trying to get a run in on Saturday morning before getting back on the road, but I woke up to a driving downpour. No way was I going to run in that and live to tell about it, so I packed it in and we headed back to Tennessee.

Sunday, I was pretty wiped, so I just puttered around the house, feeling sorry for myself that I didn't get a run in.  Monday was the same, and Tuesday wasn't a run day for me, thank goodness.  Still, I had guilt that I didn't use it to make up for Monday.  Especially when Wednesday rolled around.

Wednesday morning, I was headed downstairs to put on the coffee and missed the bottom tread on the stairway. My foot folded up under me, and my butt hit the step pretty hard as I slid (on the top of my foot) down the rest of the way to land in an ungraceful pile at the bottom.  Nothing broken but my pride, but a couple of bad on my hip, and the top of my foot was pretty black.  That and a bad scrape made wearing my running shoes painful (too much pressure on the top of my foot), so I got sidelined for the rest of the week. 

I spent this past weekend working around the house, reorganizing closets and such, and getting the house ready for the holidays.  My goal was to get the tree up, but it didn't happen (yet...hopefully it will happen this week sometime). Got a LOT done, but not nearly as much as I wanted to, and I certainly didn't go walking, running, OR hiking, more's the pity.

Today being Monday, however...I'm ready to get back at it.  My foot is still discolored, but it's no longer painful to wear a least to walk in. Of course, time will tell whether it will affect my run tonight, but my plan is to head to the gym and do a nice, easy test run. I may only try for a couple of miles, but if I feel solid enough, I may go for more.  No speed, though...just a solid run is all I'm going for today.  After that...we'll see.

What about you?  How did your weekend go?  Are you ready for the holidays, or just getting started like me?

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Sorry about that nasty fall! Looks like you had a wonderful visit with family though. Hope your foot heals up asap!
