There are no words in my vocabulary for me to describe how much I love this group of girls. I know they didn't see me the same way I saw myself in these pics...they posted them out of love. But
I wanted to go crawl under a rock when I saw myself the way others saw me every day. *This* was a true illustration of just how far I'd let myself slip in the grand scheme of things....how little I had decided to make myself a priority.
It had to change.
And it did. Little by little....day by day....all that self (I won't say _loathing_, it's too strong a word)-neglect started turning into self-interest. And as I, for the first time in a long, long time, made my health my top priority, the pounds started melting off. Very slowly, but very consistently. And I began to understand that the goal was not to
*get there*,
it was to trust the process that would, in time, get me there.
I stopped feeding it crap. I started giving it quality fuel it could actually use, and hydration it was starved for.
I stopped being a whining couch potato, so full of aches and pains I could hardly move, so unbalanced and uncoordinated, I could hardly walk from my front door down a short flight of steps to my car, for fear of falling. I shifted my focus to how I could work a little more activity into every day. My body still ached and pained occasionally, but now, there was an actual reason for it.
I stopped being weak. I started getting stronger....not just in my body, but in my head, too.
And nine months later, I'm over 75 pounds down.
*I have lost the equivalent of a ten-year-old child*
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