Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lessons learned

This weekend, I've done my best to lay the groundwork for good, solid progress in the days and weeks to come.  Along with getting massive inspiration and ideas from my newfound favorite blog, I've also taken steps to sign up for a free account with, which will not only allow me to keep track of my progress via the little ticker located at the top of this page, I can also access it from my phone AND the web, and use it to log in my food and exercise every day to stay on track.

This has proved useful, but also served as a wakeup call, on the very first day.  Here I've been, plugging along on this primal diet, thinking that I was doing so good....but when called upon to actually log in every single thing I ate, the very first day proved horrifying in unexpected ways. I had NO idea that I was using so many calories with tiny things....additions that I didn't think of or even particularly need!

For example, our standard breakfast consists of scrambled eggs and bacon, with a side of fresh berries or fruit in season.  It wasn't the eggs or bacon...or even the butter....that got me.  It was not thinking about the heavy cream I was using in the eggs. Yikes!

This lifestyle change is gonna require a whole lot more thought than just eating differently or less. It's gonna require me thinking about EVERYTHING.

I've also done some research on the Couch to 5K running plan at, and I think I might give that a try this week.  Although I don't think I'll have any problem getting my running back in terms of distance and stamina, it has always been the speed that has killed me, and will remain that way unless I do something to improve it.  I'm hoping the C25K will help me with that.  I'll report as I go.

I will say that I'm very excited about the week ahead!

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