Thursday, May 3, 2012


It's amazing to me, looking back over what I've already posted here, how much emphasis was paid to what I ate and how little to why.  Oh, it was mentioned...but only in passing.  The remarkable thing was that I was exhibiting nothing more than frenzied obsession and panic.

Way over a year removed from all this, I can honestly say that my life has calmed down quite a bit from then, even on the most harried of days, I don't feel the panic that I did then, thank God.  What I do feel is change in the air...and that's a good thing.  A very good thing.

Since the beginning of January, Keith and I have turned our attention to trying to making healthier food choices.  After several discussions with assorted family members who had all made very positive changes by going 'primal' with their eating, we decided to give it a try, too.

The result: awesome.  It's not so much the weight, it's the feeling of doing something healthy for my body by eating wholesome, nutritious foods, NOT loaded with sugars and chemicals, not already processed, but as nature intended.  It's done good things for my overall perspective, and shifted my personal focus OFF of weight loss and back onto health...where it should have been all along. 

It was just the kick I've been looking for all along to spur me forward. And, as I have learned recently, all forward motion counts.

I know I have such a long way to go on my personal journey.  But going forward, I really want my focus to be different....I want to take things slow, and realize that it's not about the destination; it's about living in the NOW and making the best possible choices in all aspects of life at every given moment.

It's a start.

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