Friday, May 11, 2012


Ok, so my last (and first) weigh-in was on Saturday, so technically I wasn't due to weigh in until tomorrow morning, but since I want to start weighing in on Fridays instead, I decided to go ahead and jump the gun a bit.

Overall, I have been really pleased with my progress this week. There is definitely room for improvement (which I'm happy about), but I also stayed on course with my eating, watched the portions, learned a lot in the process, and managed to make a start on the track, too. 

I've heard from several people who have sworn on the C25K plan, so I started that, too...not so much to build up my running again....distances have never been my problem.  But I really want to learn how to run faster. I'm tired of turtles passing me at a trot.

Standing in the breakroom this afternoon, I realized I was staring at my reflection in the full length mirror there, so I snapped a couple of shots while I was waiting for my lunch to warm (and while nobody was in there).

Please note the fork in my hand...which appears to be permanently attached.  I may need to consider surgical removal.

Another thing I'd like to point out is the black pants I'm wearing.  This is the only pair of pants I own that fit me, other than one pair of jeans that I wear on the weekends, and some old, paint stained sweatpants...and I've been wearing them to work every single day for the past two years, because I can't find any that fit me in the waist AND in the length. 

My first goal award will be new pants. This weekend, I will be formulating my goals, and if not before then, I will post them on Monday.

Oh, by the way....I'm down 3 pounds this week. 2.8, to be exact, but doesn't track points.  I'm good with that.  And I'm most definitely on my way. :)

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