You know what they say about the best-laid plans....but they don't always 'gang awry'. Sometimes, they turn out even better.
Yesterday was a day like that. I had to work late, and in order to get all my overtime in AND my running, the only way I could figure to do it was to run at the gym at work. The skies were either threatening or dumping buckets all day, so as much as I detest treadmills, I figured I'd just go ahead and suck it up one time. Keith also had an MRI scheduled for his knee last night, so I was hoping to score some sushi after my run, since both of us would be in town (very rare during the week).

When I left work, it was late. But although the sky was cloudy, it wasn't raining. The weather was cool-ish, with a very light breeze, and the campus was pretty empty of cars and traffic, so I thought...why not? Why go to the gym when I can suck it up and run out here? Normally, I don't like to do that because there are so many hills here on station, but it's good to train on hills, too even if it's not so good for pace times when you're a rookie.
By the time I finished my run, I was drenched in sweat and my glasses were fogged up so bad, I almost couldn't see. I worked hard on this run, and it felt like I'd really accomplished something. No, my time wasn't my best, but I think it was probably the best on hills for that distance.

You can see how hilly it was on the green graph, but again, I managed to keep my pace pretty darn constant, as shown in the blue. I'm pretty proud of that. When it was all said and done, I ended up with a 14:52 pace. Not my fastest, but not too shabby, and I'm pretty happy with it.
The best part, though, was getting the pot o' gold at the end of the run....SUSHI. This is my current favorite meal, mainly because it's completely guilt-free for me. Everything in the meal is completely on point, so I can enjoy it to my heart's content. I even finished the day with calories to spare, which is what I like doing. I never like to use all my quota, except on very special occasions or sporadic events. When you make it a habit, your progress stalls...and I'm still working to hit my 50 pound goal this week.

The dinner was incredible, as always. The company was even better. Keith and I had an awesome meal, catching up on the day's events, and just spending time with each other. It didn't hit me until I got in the car to go home that it was already 9:30pm and we were still 45 minutes from home! I wound up not getting in the bed until hour and a half past my bedtime...but it was totally worth it. Not just for the meal, either. I truly love spending time with my's always special.
Next run....Wednesday!
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