I wound up having to work all day Saturday, which was a bummer, since it was perfect, weather-wise. That's how it rolls sometimes, though...and we just have to make the best of it. Since it was so nice, though, I was a bit apprehensive about the two mile run I had scheduled for that afternoon, but I needn't have worried about it. By the time I left work at 6:30, the sun was casting long shadows, so the trail was nice and shady. I decided to run the Tweetsie Trail, since it was late enough for most of the families with small children to be home eating dinner. I really love the Tweetsie, and feel very lucky that we have such an awesome reclaimed greenspace in our little town to take advantage of...the Tweetsie being a decomissioned, repurposed railroad bed running from Johnson City to the east. My worst concern is that more and more families are beginning to use it to go walking or biking, and as much as I love my community becoming so much more active, as a(n unsteady) runner, it concerns me to be sharing the trail with little ones who could dart out in front of me and cause me to zig when I should be zagging.

Less that 15:00??? Oh, boy...I never expected that so soon! To say that I was pleased was a serious understatement. I finished my walk back to the car in a state of euphoria.
Sunday was another beautiful day, and I had planned to do a good bit of housecleaning, but my body screamed the moment I put my feet on the floor, so I knew that was out. I did manage to get laundry done for the week, and a few other odds and ends, but mainly it was all about rest and recouperation. I should have taken a very hot shower the minute I got home to help loosen my muscles. I should have taken an ibuprofen to help this aging body get a good night's sleep. But the lesson learned here is not to put these things off, just because I feel good in the moment. It's like stretching....forget, and you pay a steep price.
I know that it will take a while for my muscles to readjust to regular running, again. I'm still toning, I'm still strengthening, and these things take time. I just have to be patient, listen to my body, and know that right now, it's like a toddler who may protest vehemently that they do not need a nap. Time has a way of proving otherwise.
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