Thursday, May 7, 2015

Rain and Heat

It was pouring when I left work yesterday afternoon.  Big huge drops in a driving rain...just the kind you look forward to running in (KIDDING).  I was hating life for about five minutes.  That was how long it took to get out from under the little black cloud.  The rest of the sky was gorgeous.


Anyway, the track was steamy-wet when I got there, and although there was a cool after-breeze from the recent shower, I could tell from the way the sun was already beating down again that it wasn't going to last.

It didn't.  The heat turned brutal quickly, and I was very glad I had hydrated semi-well before my run.  In retrospect, I could have drank more, and I probably should have eaten a bit more, as well, but all things considered, I held out pretty well.    The last half a mile was brutal.  My body completely tanked, and fought me tooth and nail to stop, but I was able to keep on by reminding myself that the biggest part of the battle was in my head, not my body, and that it wasn't going to kick my butt!  That helped...a lot.  Boy, if I could just remember that the fattest part of my body is my brain, it would solve so many issues...

My time wasn't awesome.  I'd have liked to have seen a lower number, but I guess anything less than a 15:00 pace was probably pretty good.  I'm really struggling with my runs this week, and I think that it's directly related to how early in the afternoon I'm running, as opposed to my usual 6:30-7:00pm run time.  I think that works for me much better, because it's so much cooler then. 

I really wish I could have a schedule that would allow me to run first thing in the morning, and I wish even more that I had a good place to run that was close enough to the house that I could run, then go back to the house to shower and dress for work.  I'd run in the dark for that...I've done it before.  It just starts my day so much better when I can do that.  But that's not gonna happen...unless someone decides to relocate the high school out to the boonies.  I'm just gonna have to keep sucking it up.

I can do that.

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