Thursday, I didn't feel well all day. Nothing discernable, just really rough. I was very glad it wasn't a run day, but the longer the day went on, the worse I felt. And by the time I fell into bed, it was bad. Friday morning, I called in sick and went back to sleep, nursing both head and tummy problems that stuck around for most of the day. We had planned on friends coming in to spend the weekend, but they had to cancel at the last minute. As much as I was looking forward to the visit, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a relief. I'd have had to feel better to die.

Saturday evening was rounded out with a little TV and some good food, and I went to bed with a serious feeling of accomplishment on both our behalves.
Sunday was another day spent doing a little of this and that, but it was also another run day, so I headed out early to get it done before the heat took over. Since this was my long run day, I wrapped my knee up good and headed back to 'the hill', which is grueling on the out leg, but well worth it in terms of being the longest stretch of decent terrain that doesn't cross major traffic. Besides, hill training is just as important and beneficial as any other kind of training. And I had a brand new pair of Brooks Ariels to break in...ha ha.

I started out great. I felt fresh, the air was crisp and cool, I was running in was beautiful. Until...about 15 minutes into my run, my phone decided to do a reset, which effectively wiped out the first part of my run. :(
What to do at that point, except to start the run over? Which is exactly what I did. I restarted from the beginning, and kept. freaking. running.

And on the way back down the hill, I even managed to snap a quick shot of some of the beautiful scenery that the Tweetsie Trail has to offer....if one can manage to take their eyes off the gravel long enough to look, that is.
We spent a relaxing evening recovering from the day's events, and gearing up for Monday. Even though Tuesday is my actual birthday, I'm having to work today, so Keith wanted to celebrate Monday, instead.
Can I just take a moment to express my gratitute at having my birthday fall near or on a major holiday weekend every year? True awesomeness.
But, I digress. We've been trying to get out more on the weekends, and spend a bit more time with the big boys in the process. So Monday morning, we loaded them up and headed into town, where we started with a great breakfast at a local little mom and pop we know about. There is something about starting a weekend adventure with a leisurely breakfast and lingering over coffee that does a body good. Just sayin'...
After breakfast, we headed up to the Lake Watauga Dam recreation area to hike a bit and let the boys swim in the lake. They truly love the water, and since we only have runoff streams on our property at the moment, we try to get them either to a river or the lake anytime we can.

I did have one close call while there...and of course, it happened at the farthest point away from the restrooms. Nature called with a vengeance, and I wasn't sure I'd make it. But I did...and got in quite a nice little pace trying to get there, lol. Gotta get it in when you can, eh?
We weren't trying to break any records with this hike. I wasn't in it for the mileage or the time...I just wanted a record of my activity. So, it was a pleasant, non-taxing morning, spent with my best boys, and a perfect way to start off my birthday.
Once we got home, Tracy joined us, and Keith threw some steaks on the grill that I had been marinating since Saturday. While those were grilling, I baked some sweet potatoes, tossed a nice salad, and sauteed some vidalia onions and fresh mushrooms. Oh, it was all so yummy! I couldn't have asked for better. And the best part? All on-plan! SCORE.
I almost forgot to mention that I did manage to drag my sorry, sick butt out of bed Friday morning long enough to weigh in...another .8 pounds gone! Yay, me! :) How was your weekend?
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