Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Weekend Recap

The weekend was, in a word, AWESOME.  I mean from start to finish, it was awesome.  We took our time going down to Atlanta on Thursday, and although we ate out most of the day, I ate responsibly.  Thursday afternoon and Friday were work days for us, and although I stayed extremely conscious of what I ate, I actually wound up eating very little of what I had taken with me. I didn't need to. It's a fortunate thing that my sister-in-law is very health-conscious of what she feeds her family, and makes much from scratch.  So I was able to eat very well and still stay within my boundaries.

I did have a shot of spiced rum after dinner.  And it was yummy.  And I did count every drop of those empty calories.  And I did still stay within my limit. Yay!

Saturday was party day.  A delicious, all-natural, organic meal at an amazing event put on by my sister for my mother's 80th birthday.  A great time with family and friends, followed by an amazing hen party at my mom's (where I forewent the pizza and opted for a couple of slices of ham, instead), and an evening out with Keith and our daughter, Jessica.  We went bar-hopping, something neither Keith or myself has done in YEARS (or really wanted to now, lol), and I am proud to say that I had three shots, all within my limits.

Sunday was part church, part rest, part work, and part fellowshipping with family.  We had a great time, and it was the perfect way to wrap up the weekend before our trip home on Monday.  We took our time coming back, and again...although every meal was eaten on the road, I was very careful of the content and stayed within my limits.

I'm very proud of myself, and consider it a victory if I only maintained this week.  I don't believe that I did, though...I already feel as though I've lost a bit, which will be amazing if it turns out to be true.  I did my best, even with the alcohol, to stay on track and drink all my water or more, so I'm happy no matter what the outcome.  I could not have had a better time, so if I can come out of it with a maintenance weigh-in, I will have proved to myself that I can do this for the long haul, and do it beautifully.

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