Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dry Run Time!

I don't know what the heck is up with blogger all of a sudden, but it's not letting me post any pics!! Not from home OR from work. This happened once before, so I guess I'll just have to deal until they get it fixed (grumble, grumble). If you're not seeing anything, it's not for lack of trying, I assure you.

Last night, I had to work late, but managed to get out in juuust enough time to run three miles before dark. Since it was the last long-ish run before Saturday's race, I decided to pull out my route map and give 'er a go. It's a simple enough route(I'd post a PIC if BLOGGER would LET me), but even though they've touted it as being fairly level, they lied. Mile two has a couple of doozie hills, both up and down...thank God they're short ones...and mile three is a grind. Still..I did finish it, and within the pace range I was looking for to beat (or at least match) my 2009 time.

(I'd post a PIC if BLOGGER would LET me. Just sayin'.)

I creaked a lot on the first mile. It usually takes me at least a half-mile for my body to warm up enough to get a cadence down. But once I got past that, I settled in pretty well, and finished strong. The only problem I had was that there is a point in the course where they have placed a turnaround in the road (or will), but since there are no signs out yet, I had to guess at the location. Turns out I overestimated, so instead of running 3.1, I ran 3.44, which blew my pace numbers enough where I couldn't exactly get the info I wanted/needed from my split numbers. That's ok, though...I'm in the ballpark. If I can just stay there, I'll be good!

I have a friend, Lauran, who used to work with me until she had twins and became a stay-at-home mom. She has been following my progress and cheering me on like crazy. A couple of days ago, she texted me that she wanted to run with me, which I am thrilled beyond words about. She hasn't been training, but she's super-active, works out, and is very in shape, and honestly...if she had been training, with the shape she's already in, she'd be outpacing me so badly, I'd be left in the dust at the start line. Right now, she's worried about keeping up with me.


No problem, Lauran. Have you actually seen my split times? Seriously, no problem.

Actually, I think it will be good for me to be able to run with someone else.  Running alone, I have a tendency to get lost in my own thoughts, and when that happens, I slow down.  Not a lot, but enough to snap me out of my reverie and realize I might as well be walking.  It takes a lot of extra energy to get back up to speed, then, and it seriously messes with my pace.  I'm hoping that running with Lauran will keep me more cognizant of my pace, and even help push me a bit, especially if she runs a hair faster than what I'm used to.  Not too much, or I'll burn out too soon.

I'm working late every night this week and next, and my sleep has suffered because of it. Right now, I plan on getting to bed as early as possible tonight and the rest of the week, so I can be as rested as possible on Saturday.  Tomorrow will just be a little two mile taper run, so it shouldn't interfere with that plan too much.

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