My usual habit in the afternoons is to either walk at work for an hour (weather permitting), or go to the mall and walk there, if the weather is bad. I've been very proud of the fact that I haven't missed a day in the past three weeks, other than taking a much-needed rest day last weekend. But Thursday, as I looked out my window, I knew if I didn't go directly home...I wasn't liable to get there. So I turned tail, and drove hard, sliding all the way. Consequently, by the time I got home, I was relieved to have gotten there, but found myself in a royal funk at the same time, because I had messed up my perfect record. And since I had delayed my mid-afternoon snack until I got home, I wasn't hungry at all at dinner time (and no exercise had just fueled that), so I did a HUGE no-no, and skipped it because I was so tired.
Friday was a snow day, and I stayed home all day in my sweats, catching up on emails and odds and ends on the computer. I ate well, even though I was home, which I'm very proud of, but yesterday was also my workout day, and I skipped it. Yep....that's where the REAL guilt came into play. And this is what has me worried. You see... I had planned to wait until after my mid-afternoon snack, as per usual, to do them. But then Irb, who was also home yesterday, came over and set up camp right in the middle of my exercise area (the only one I have at the moment). Instead of giving him the boot, I let him. And on top of not getting in my Day 1, I also skipped my supper. Again. For two nights in a row. Bad, bad, bad girl. Honestly, I was amazed that the scale registered a four pound loss this week, and while I am very proud that it did (I'm now down to 246), I am also left wondering how much more I might have lost, had I gotten my exercise and food in that I should have.
Now, I am left with trying to start over again. I know that these weeks will come, and that I need to use them as lessons to learn acceptance, which I am severely lacking in, on BOTH ends of the spectrum. But I also have no intention of letting this little stumbling block curtail my forward motion. I will continue as I mean to go on. And even if I stumble, I will succeed this time.
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