Monday, January 28, 2013

Week Four Reckoning...and lessons learned.

So much to process from this week. So much to think about, and so many lessons learned.  This week was absolutely fraught with stumbling blocks....some I successfully navigated, and some I didn't.  What it taught me was that I am not nearly as far along in my journey as I would like to believe that I am, but at the same time, I am taking pains to notice when I am stumbling so that I can pick my feet up higher next time I see that same stone. Apparently, she can be taught.

In the past ten days, we have had not one, but two major ice events in our area.  Snow is not unusual in the Appalachian fact, it's even welcome.  Ice is not welcome anywhere. Growing up in Atlanta, you learn that if there is snow on the ground, there is always, always ice underneath it. (Translation: do not drive on snow.  Snow = bad.)  This is why the entire city shuts down if there is an inch of snow on the ground...sometimes less.  It took me two full years of living in the mountains to get it through my head that not all snow is fact, most snow is fairly easy to navigate, if you're cautious and use your head.  So, as much as it no longer bothers me to drive in snow, it only takes one little slushie storm to make that old terror rear it's ugly, icy head.  For two Fridays in a row, now, it has succeeded in putting me off my game.  Not only did I not work out either day (which means no Day 1 workout), I also skipped a meal from leaving work early to avoid the worst of the traffic. 

Skipping meals is worse than skipping a workout for me. Seriously. Why?  Well, because my body is used to having food incoming on a regular's what keeps my metabolic fire stoked, and keeps the fat burning.  If I don't eat, it signals my body to start tamping that fire, juuuust in case there is no food forthcoming anytime soon.  When I exercise, I'm getting EXTRA fat burned....but without that fire being stoked, it is not nearly as effective.  So....I need to EAT.  Every three hours, without fail.

So, this Friday ice thing set off a chain reaction both weekends, in which I did not work out (I'll wait to do my workout tomorrow), because the 'guys were in the way' (really??). workouts, either weekend.  And not being prepared food-wise made me miss several meals over the course of those weekends, as well.

But the worst?  By far, the worst of it was that I took a bite of food that was not on my plan.

This may not seem like such a big deal...not by a long shot.  But neither does taking a sip of alcohol seem like a big deal...unless you're a recovering alcoholic.  When you're trying to eat clean with the purpose of fueling your body to run more efficiently, and then you take a bite of savory, delectable roast causes a downhill slide that may mean the total destruction of your plan, and the complete derailment of all your good intentions.  Until I get to a point in this journey that I am stronger than the food I put in my mouth, I need to avoid these temptations at all costs.  It's not the's what it leads to.

In my case, that bite of crockpot roast beef turned into a bowl of roast beef (far more than the two ounces I should have eaten, IF I were even supposed to be eating it in the first place), complete with carrots and potatoes.  Then two bites of homemade soup the next night, followed by snacking on several slices of processed sandwich ham, the next day...and a meal eaten out at the mexican restaurant.  And the cold weather kept me drinking cup after cup of coffee to the severe detriment of my daily water allotment.

Those are all the negatives. see my point.  One little pebble is all it takes to create an avalanche.  But there are postives to be found in all of this, as well.  Lessons learned, if you will:

1)  Yes, I missed my workouts. BUT....I have plans to recoup at least THIS week, by adding Day 1 this afternoon, along with my regular walk, and Day 2 on Wednesday, the same way. That will allow one day between them, and then I can still start my regularly scheduled Day 1 on Friday...which will effectively put me back on track, with only one week's workout missing. Doubling up on activity is not fun. Nor is it something I want to do on a regular basis.  Or ever again, for that matter. Also, even though I didn't work out this weekend, I did manage to get some activity in both days, which I am very happy about.  Wouldn't actually call it cardio...but I MOVED.  And that counts. Toward what, I'm not sure...but it beats hell out of vegetating on the couch, eating ho-hos.

2)  Yes, I ate off my plan.  BUT I did not BINGE, and I did not SNEAK, and that is a HUGE improvement over the past.  I tried to make the healthiest choices I could, with what I had to work with.  Yes, there is room for improvement, no doubt.  But I refuse to beat myself up over it.  My crime had way more to do with not eating nearly enough on the weekends than it had to do with the quality of what I did eat.  And my choices could have easily...easily been much, much worse.  So...I have seen improvement here!

3) Yes, I didn't get all my water in.  BUT, I didn't fall back on other drinks, either...other than coffee, I mean.  And I got plenty of that.

4) Yes, I ate out, which I Am. Not. Ready. For.  On any level.  BUT, I chose carefully and tried to be responsible with my choice.  I ordered a taco salad (in the shell), sans cheese and sour cream, and used fresh salsa as my dressing. I should have asked for no beans, because they are not in my plan right now...but I didn't.  Thankfully, there weren't many in there...but I have to say that I did enjoy every mouthful...along with the soggy, bean-covered bottom of the bowl. AND, I did not cave to the temptation of eating the sides as well.  Also, I held myself to 1 (one!!!) chip, as I waited for the food, which I broke into small pieces and dipped into fresh salsa, savoring each delectable bite of its chunky goodness.  I am unbelievably proud of that!  I also drank water, while the guys partook of frosty beverages...another huge score for my willpower...which just goes to show me how far I actually have come in this journey.

Could I have done better this week? Undoubtedly.  But was it a disaster, as I would have myself believe?  Pshaw...of course not!  And the scale proved that when I stepped up on Saturday morning.  Even with all my fox paws this week, I still registered 245.6...a .4 loss, bringing my ACTUAL total loss to 15 pounds even, instead of rounded. 

Hey...a negative number is still forward progress.  And that, by God, counts.

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