Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Little Progress

After walking the last couple of days with pain in my ankle, it felt so good yesterday that I decided to walk anyway.  I didn't do my normal 3+ miles (1 hour), but I did get in two and felt pretty darned good about that.  I'm going to rest it today....don't want to take the chance of injuring it further and creating a major setback instead of a minor one.  So tonight, I'll do my day one workout, and then I'll walk again tomorrow and Saturday(working over on Sat).  Sunday, when I'm home, I'll do my day two workout.  It's scheduled to snow today anyway, so I think that's probably good timing. :)

My food has been good and solid, but I'm not going to lie and say I haven't been extremely tempted to cheat.  There's a huge tin of popcorn in the breakroom that someone brought in after Christmas that is calling my name really bad.  But I just keep thinking that this is the time in my program that I generally start falling apart, and if I really want to be successful this time, I've got to push through.  So far, I've been successful in abstaining.  Hopefully, I can stay strong, but it's really taking a lot of work.

I can't help but think that part of this is stress-driven.  After my blow-up on Tuesday, though, the stress level dropped tremendously yesterday.  I think my message was received, lol, and the individual in question pretty much let me do my job.  That makes a MAJOR difference, and I really hope it least for a while.

Tomorrow is my weigh-in.  I'm excited!! I really believe I've hit the 20lb. mark, which means I'm almost a quarter of the way to my goal!  A great start, but still a long way to go.

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