Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Choking it Down

One of the hardest aspects...actually the hardest aspect....of this program is the lack of variety in the food.  Not to say it HAS to be that way, but my body seems to respond best to a very deep rut, so that's the way I choose to play it.  If it ain't broke...don't fix it.  Consequently, my day doesn't generally vary much, food-wise.  Keith has been very good at working some small bit of variety into my food this time, which keeps me interested to see what's next, and that's a good thing.  He branches out in ways I'd have probably never thought of (think pickled asparagus for dinner). 

Friday is usually his shopping day because it's pay day for us, and I can usually expect something really cool for dinner that night.  But the day before has a tendency to be a bit....shall we say....lean, as by that time we have pretty much run out of all our stores, at least in the fresh department.  This past Friday, of course, we were on the road, so that compounded the problem, since we pretty much took all the remnants with us.  Consequently, there was very little left to make my food up yesterday morning, and Keith...bless him....had to get creative.

My day consisted of two cans of tuna fish and a can of chopped spinach, divided into four meals.

Yes, you heard right.  I ate tuna fish and chopped spinach FOUR TIMES yesterday.  Needless to say, I was starting to think really dangerous thoughts by the time I headed home from work last night.  It took me off guard a bit, I have to admit, because I have really not had any cravings so far.  But it also made me think about the importance of variety in all aspects of our lives. Nobody likes to get in a rut; that's why they say that variety is the spice of life. In retrospect, I think it's probably a good thing that Keith is manning the helm this time around.  He seems to have the knack of keeping my interest, and between his amazing support, and the support of my OG girls who I'm on this journey with, this program is actually working again!  They say it takes a village to raise a child....I guess there's something to be said for it taking a village to help a childish old woman get healthy, too.

Negatives:  Having to gag my way through a thoroughly nauseating day yesterday.

Positives:It may have been nauseating, but it was still nourishing and healthy, and I ate it all.  Serious positive.....Keith went to the store, so we are now loaded for bear and I am fully stocked for another successful day today!  I also completed my workout Day 1 last night. :)

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