Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Journey of a Thousand Miles...

Well, we're off and running.  Everyone seems to have done a great job on day one, despite some hiccups.  Most of those were emotional, though, and it's those kinds of things that being in such a supportive group helps with.  We were all able to rally around the affected one and boost them up.  One day, it will be me that needs boosting, and I'm so very happy that I have friends with me on my journey this time!  Even though my road is much longer than theirs in terms of pounds, it doesn't mean that it will be any more or less difficult.  We all have struggles, and those struggles are very real.

Yesterday went pretty smoothly for me, despite not really being prepared to start my program.  I just did the best I could (which turned out pretty good), then met Keith after work to go shopping for the things I really needed to buckle down and do it right.  In bits and pieces, I managed to get all my walking in, which was awesome, since it's so cold out right now...and even a bit extra.  I also lined up my old walking buddy from last summer to start walking with me again on the days that work load and weather permit.

This morning, I got up, made my food for the day, packed it up and brought it to work.  Just getting that done...just knowing that I am prepared for this day has made a HUGE difference in my outlook, and I feel a successful day in my future.  I know that my food is right today, and since every meal is already proportioned out, it's a no-brainer.  And I know that at 11:30 today, I have a walking date with my buddy, Justin, which will give me 45 minutes of my hour, and I will do the last 15 minutes after work.

My goal is to start every day being this prepared for success.  I know there will be days that are not, but when the majority of your days are planned, there's no room for failure....and that feels pretty damned good.

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